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Tell your Representative:
NO Deal on Vouchers!
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Contact Your Reps
Our elected officials are public servants and must be bound to protect Texas Children. Let your Representatives know that their constituents are loudly voicing their opposition to any deal with school vouchers. Our public schools could not be more clear: do NOT use teachers and school funding as an excuse to cut deals on vouchers.
Click below to contact your Representatives.
How did your Rep. Vote on Vouchers?
*Note: It is important to note that these votes are an imperfect estimation, and that some Representatives' ideological positions may not be accurately reflected in these votes. Furthermore, these votes do not indicate whether a member is willing to make a compromise deal on vouchers. That is why it is essential to call and show your support for public schools: no deal on vouchers!
Votes on Amendment 45 by Rep. Herrero to the Biennial Budget
(view record)
On April 6, 2023, Representative Abel Herrero brought forward an amendment to the State's 88th Session HB1 budget to prohibit any state funds from being used for a voucher program (Record Vote 111). Click Here to see the full vote in the House Journal, or view the table below.
Votes on Permission for Public Education Committee to meet privately to pass a voucher bill
On May 10, 2023, the Chair of the Public Education Committee, Rep. Brad Buckley, rose a motion to request permission from the House of Representatives to allow the Public Education Committee to meet privately without a public hearing to pass a voucher bill out of the committee (Record Vote 1464). Click Here to see the full vote in the House Journal, or view the table below.
Anti- School Voucher Position
N= Voted to not allow state funding of school vouchers in budget
N= Voted against letting the Public Education Committee meet
Pro- School Voucher Position
Y= Voted to allow state funding of vouchers in budget
Y= Voted to allow the Public Education Committee meet
Changed in Journal = Sometimes a Representative will vote one way and later change it in the official record.
Come Testify at the Capitol
One of the best ways for your voice to be heard, and to carry the voices of others that may not be able to do so themselves, is to testify directly to the members of the Texas legislature that are considering bills.
The designated House or Senate committee holds open committee hearings where the general public is able to share their perspectives and expertise that might help legislators understand the impact a bill could have on the lives of Texans.
How to Testify In-Person at the Texas State Capitol
In order to testify in person at a House Committee, you must first register as a witness.
In order to register as a witness at the Capitol building, you must:
1) Arrive at the Texas Capitol.
2) Go to floors E1 or E2.
3) Locate the touch screen kiosk stations.
4) Register to testify under the bill number.
5) Register your position on the bill.
6) Indicate that you will be representing yourself.
You can find more instructions here.
Here are some tips for testifying in front of a Committee Meeting.
A registration kiosk in the Capitol
How to Testify Remotely
Provide your written testimony to the Representative proposing the bill
Your testimony can then be either handed out to committee members or read aloud by the representative.
Submit your statement on bills and issue areas through the House Public Comment Portal
Comments submitted using this form will be distributed to members of the respective House committee and made publicly available on House and legislative websites.
You can submit comments to the House Public Comment Portal here.